Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ready, Set, Go... to the Farmer's Market

I CAN BAKE BREAD!!! Look, there’s the evidence: three beautiful, edible loaves of honey wheat bread; and it tastes really good! After one false start (I used all purpose flour instead of bread flour and although I’m sure it would’ve been fine, I really wanted this first batch to be true to the recipe before I start adding or changing things), and about three hours of kneading, rising, punching and baking, I took my first ever bun out of the oven. (Find the recipe at

It was a good confidence boost going into day 1 of my process-less food challenge. I channeled my grandma Bonnie, who was an excellent cook, to help me along the way. I wore her circa 1960’s apron and kept her marble rolling pin on hand for moral support (as it turns out that you don’t need a rolling pin for bread making). Leah also came over for dinner and provided some much needed encouragement.

Now, to the matter at hand: today is challenge day 1. The farmer’s market was plentiful to say the least, if not a little overwhelming. I tried to get things that I know are in peak season, like rainbow chard and lettuce; however, I saw some items that confused me as well, mainly apples. Aren’t those is season during the fall? It made me question the farm they came from, so I looked up their website and it looks like they grow a lot of plants in greenhouses. I think that might be why they get things like apples and cucumbers so early? Anyhow, I got a lot of great stuff, but for more money than I would normally spend at the grocery store. Hopefully it will last me nearly the whole week. I’m worried that I made a rookie mistake and got too many fresh veggies at one time; I don’t want any of them to go bad. Stay tuned for an update on spoilage later this week.

In the interest of full disclosure, I spent about $100 today and I’ve listed everything I got at the market below. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down how much each item costs but I promise to be more diligent on the next trip.

Farmer’s Market Haul:
Rainbow chard
Head of lettuce (not sure what kind, there wasn’t a sign)
Green onions
5 vine ripened tomatoes
2 mini English cucumbers
4 stalks of rhubarb
Crate of strawberries
Dozen eggs
1 whole chicken
3 lamb chops


  1. Great Blog Amanda- I am looking forward to reading your adventures cooking and eating as close to the source as possible!

    FYI apples & potatoes store really well throughout the Winter- many Farmers will store their Fall Harvests through Winter to sell during the Spring Farmers Markets :-)

  2. Thanks Heather. Do you know the best way to store them? In a paper bag or the fridge? I've never tried to keep a fruit or veggie for several months. (PS - I can't wait to try your granola bar recipe soon!)

  3. Apples store well in cool places! Also, I can attest that the bread WAS delicious... Thanks for sharing!
